Thursday, October 9, 2008

Royal Jelly - The Super Food!

Royal Jelly is the 'super food' of bees and is especially fed to each bee destined to be queens who live up to 6 years! In fact, worker bees who eat ordinary honey only live four to six weeks! With this enzymed filled Royal Jelly, they must be on to something.

Our state of the art Royal Jelly is of high quality, freeze dried and is free of pollutants, but that is just the beginning! It contains all of the B complex Vitamins, which are essential for proper body functioning. It allows for the enhanced metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which explains the greatly increased energy and rapid recovery from fatigue! And if you think thats it, thenRoyal Jelly my, are you mistaken! Royal Jelly also aids in cell regeneration, improves skin texture and clarity and increases the body's resistance to illnesses. It also combats stress. Our Royal Jelly contains Vitamins A, C, D and E, all 8 essential amino acids and 10 secondary amino acids!

Now here is the thing, a deficiency in these vital vitamins can result in fatigue, headaches, upper respiratory infections, insomnia, a decreased immune system among many other health problems. No one wants to deal with that, so prevent it and increase your health with our Royal Jelly!

Here's the bottom line, Royal Jelly is truly an essential supplement that is extremely beneficial to our well being.

So what are you waiting for?
Take care of yourself, because you deserve it!

Here's to your healthy future.

- Aloe Vera Team

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Aloe Jojoba Shampoo

Some of us are lucky to be born with luscious, full bodied hair. Others, not so much. We have to deal with brittle, flat, dry hair and flakes. But even if you were one of the lucky ones, you still want to ensure that it stays that way as you get wiser. We all want a strong, healthy, volumous head of hair but unfortunately the typical product turns to chemicals. These chemicals barely work, cost ridiculous amounts of money and worse, these chemicals are absorbed into your body. So we decided to create a shampoo that not only exceeds your expectations but does this with natural ingredients, all of this in our Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo!

- Fortifies hair and gives volumous body
- Bacterial and fungicidal to prevent and get rid of dandruff
- pH-balanced with amino acids
- Repleni
shes lost moisture and nutrients to the hair and scalp

Through our 100% Natural Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel this shampoo will dissolve dead skin to allowing the healing process to begin. Alongside this healing process our Jojoba Oil will replenish your hair and scalp with moisture and nutrients! Amino acids work with your body to create healthy, strong hair. The anti-bacterial properties allow the elimination of clogged dirt and toxins to fight and prevent dandruff.

With ingredients like these its no wonder you'll get the results you've dreamed of,
so hurry and get your Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo today!

Here's to your healthy future!

- Aloe Vera Team

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Aloe Vera Jojoba Conditioner

With summer slowly winding down and fall soon to begin, we all notice that our hair has become brittle, burnt and damaged by the sun. Hair masks usually aren't up for the job because they're not strong enough and a one time thing can't fix daily exposure to the sun. So what can you do? We've developed a revolutionary product called Aloe Vera Jojoba Conditioner.

Many traditional conditioners contain chemicals that actually irritate your skin, which causes
dandruff and makes you itch. Not only that, but many conditioners do not contain nutrients, which is highly needed in order to nourish your hair to give it that silky smooth look. And guess what? Our Aloe Vera Jojoba Conditioner gives you a lot more than that!

- Repairs and conditions damaged hair
- Protects your hair from the elements and over processing (blow drying, etc.)
- pH balanced
- Eliminates split ends

Made with 100% Natural Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel to heal and soothe skin, our conditioner
allows your hair to become smooth and silky! Jojoba Oil that provides your scalp and hair with the vital nutrients and oils it needs to stay healthy. This combination allows excellent comb-ability by getting rid of tangles. With two hair conditioning agents that remove electrostatic charges that damage your hair and then coats the hair shaft to build strength and softness. All of these amazing properties create an outstanding conditioner that leaves your hair feeling light and luxurious!

Show the world how your hair can really shine
with our Aloe Jojoba Conditioner!

Here's to your healthy future!

- Aloe Vera Team

Friday, August 8, 2008

Aloe Vera Bright Toothgel / Toothpaste

Traditional toothpastes promise so many things, like brighter, whiter teeth, plaque fighting and freshening breath. But many of these traditional toothpastes use fluoride and bleaching agents to acheive those results. But what's wrong with fluoride? Well it was a water pollutant before it was a "cavity fighting" substance. In fact, in the last few years, scientists have been doubting if it has any positive effect in any way and in fact, if taken too much it can cause harm. Okay, but bleaching agents? They're even worse, would you take the bleach from your laundry basket and pour it on your teeth? Don't think so. Bleaching agents can damage soft tissues due to chemical burns and cause tooth sensitivity. Because of this, we've created a natural, Aloe Vera Bright Tooth Gel, just for you!

Aloe Vera Tooth Paste/Tooth Gel

- Whitens without bleaching agents
- Does NOT contain fluoride
- Fights Plaque
- Contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties

Our Aloe Vera Bright Toothgel contains 100% Natural Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel as its first ingredient. Researched and found to be one of the most effective toothpastes on the market today and praised as "one of the most constructive and successful elements of a personal dental care routine!" It contains bee propolis a natural anti-bacterial to fight plaque and freshen breath. The anti-inflammatory properties benefits the gums and delicate lining of the mouth. The end result is a toothgel whose cleaning ability is second to none that it not only matches the competition, it beats it hands down!

Stop torturing your mouth!
Get your very own Aloe Vera Bright Toothgel today!

Here's to your healthy future!

- Aloe Vera Team

Friday, July 25, 2008

Aloe Vera Anti-Cellulite Kit

With summer in full swing we all know that means bathing suits, swimming, tanning, outdoor activities and shorts. Many men and women are plagued by the confidence depleting effects of cellulite. While those who are overweight are prone to more cellulite, it also affects those who are at their ideal weight! So what is it and what causes cellulite?

Cellulite are bumps, “dimples” and pitting of the skin, sometimes known as the “orange peel” effect, as a result of lumpy fat deposits, while it can be seen all over the body, its prominent affected areas are the thighs and buttocks.

But don’t fret, because cellulite IS reversible! How?
With our Anti - Cellulite Aloe Vera Body Toning Kit!

This state of the art Kit includes, Aloe Vera Body Toner, Aloe Vera Conditioning Crème, Aloe Vera Bath Gelee, FREE cellophane wrap and a FREE loofah mitt! It is designed to help trim, tone and tighten your skin, minimizing the bumpy skin texture of cellulite! Through the use of European herbs, Aloe Vera Gel, Cinnamon Oil, Capsicum, along with many other emulsifiers, humectants and moisturizers we have created a system that stimulates circulation, helps break up trapped fluids and fatty tissue all in a non-greasy formula!

So don't let cellulite rule your summer, fight back with
our Anti-Cellulite Aloe Vera Body Toning Kit!

Here's to your healthy future!

- Aloe Vera Team