Friday, July 25, 2008

Aloe Vera Anti-Cellulite Kit

With summer in full swing we all know that means bathing suits, swimming, tanning, outdoor activities and shorts. Many men and women are plagued by the confidence depleting effects of cellulite. While those who are overweight are prone to more cellulite, it also affects those who are at their ideal weight! So what is it and what causes cellulite?

Cellulite are bumps, “dimples” and pitting of the skin, sometimes known as the “orange peel” effect, as a result of lumpy fat deposits, while it can be seen all over the body, its prominent affected areas are the thighs and buttocks.

But don’t fret, because cellulite IS reversible! How?
With our Anti - Cellulite Aloe Vera Body Toning Kit!

This state of the art Kit includes, Aloe Vera Body Toner, Aloe Vera Conditioning Crème, Aloe Vera Bath Gelee, FREE cellophane wrap and a FREE loofah mitt! It is designed to help trim, tone and tighten your skin, minimizing the bumpy skin texture of cellulite! Through the use of European herbs, Aloe Vera Gel, Cinnamon Oil, Capsicum, along with many other emulsifiers, humectants and moisturizers we have created a system that stimulates circulation, helps break up trapped fluids and fatty tissue all in a non-greasy formula!

So don't let cellulite rule your summer, fight back with
our Anti-Cellulite Aloe Vera Body Toning Kit!

Here's to your healthy future!

- Aloe Vera Team